​​​​Planning Applications
Full planning permission and permitted development
Building regulations
Lawful development certificates
Householder planning consent
Outline planning permission
Listed buildings consent
Conservation areas consent
Heritage statements
Landlords consent
1) We know the planning process inside-out
Choose CWD and you have a design and build company on your side which knows just as much about planning laws as your local authority does. We know exactly how they work, what your local authority wants to see and what they are likely to accept or reject.
2) Detailed plans designed to get your project approved
We know what your local authority and building control expect, so you get clear and concise plans with articulated justifications for the project to maximise the chance of approval.
3) Persistence pays
If we believe that your application should be accepted, we will fight for your project every step of the way and use every appeal process available to gain planning approval.
4) CWD has handled thousands of successful planning applications for clients throughout London
This means that we know the ins and outs of policy frameworks provided by the Unitary Development Plan (UDP). We can also look at previous victories to draw upon precedents which can be used to justify your proposal.
5). Use our design and build innovation to get your favourite ideas accepted
If a feature within your project is rejected, we can put our creative minds to work to try and come up with an alternative method of construction which achieves the same aesthetic result, so you have a higher chance of getting planning approval for your most favourite ideas.